I bumped into a colleague the other day who asked me "How's life in limbo?" Spookily enough, I had been thinking about my life in just those terms for the last few weeks, and thinking back it's a similar situation to that in which I found myself seven years ago too.
Once I knew I had my job, I had to wait to start it. Two weeks can seem like a lifetime when something as big as a new job, a new start in life, looms on the horizon, and what I mostly remember about that time was the frustration of not being able to just get on with it. Of course once I did start I had what felt like all the information in the world crammed into my head in such a short time that I am sure by the end of the first week I was just wandering the corridors like a zombie...
Limbo seven years later is somewhat different.
Once we get the move (which is what is currently looming ever closer) out of the way work will carry on much as it has before. I anticipate a change of some workflows, hopefully for the better as I think there is more I could do in some cases than I currently do, but the big change this time around is one of location.
It is not lost on me that as the arrangements stand now I will work in the New Bodleian for exactly seven years. The day after my "library birthday" as a fellow student called it happens I will be out, and by the beginning of next month will hopefully be able to find my desk. Until then, the boxes and the dust and the likelihood of putting away something I will need consume me... For the sake of posterity, I therefore present a view of my workspace, replete with theses, as it looked on Tuesday November 16th, before the boxes arrived.