Ok, so this is kind of like Word, only not, right? Interesting... anyone who can be bothered to try to read the text on yonder screenshot will see that I have taken a mildly sarcastic tone on this one, but as I didn't have any actual text to hand at the time I thought this would suffice.
Again, Firefox and the whizzy way it remembers all my passwords saved me much tedious rummaging in my drawer for my login details, so it was actually quite an easy task compared to some of these.
On a slightly more positive note I do love the concept of cloud computing and I loved that article to which there was a link at the end of the 23 Things blog post about the wherabouts of the servers. I guess that might make me a geek, but frankly I don't care. Regardless of whether I actually have time to do any of this stuff (which I don't), I still find the explosion of opportunity which the more recent Web innovations have brought about fascinating and inspiring.
So, will I use GoogleDocs? I might... but probably not. My PC at home has Office 2007, and I am probably more likely to use something like Open Office when I (eventually) get around to installing Ubuntu on my tired laptop as that will skip between operating systems. There is no mention in the 23 Things blog about whether these things are supported on Linux... Enquiring minds want to know...
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