Wednesday, 6 October 2010

Postmortems and other procedures...

...Part 2
Wow, I am actually managing to do this the following day as promised! Must be a sign...
Anyway, as I said in my previous post, this one is concerning the new stuff which I have been doing since the end of NBRR as we know it.
The procedures mentioned mostly involve circulation, which does sound rather medical, but which is just the euphemism for (gasp!) letting the readers remove books from the building.
Since the closure of NBRR I, along with a few of my Oriental colleagues have been redeployed at the Bodleian Oriental Institute Library on a rota basis which means for me that I am on the desk three afternoons a week.
Now, back in the mists of time when I began at the Bod, the OIL was regarded as something of a mystery by my naturally misanthropic and suspicious colleague, but I must say that the welcome I have had has been warm and that I am enjoying working in such a different environment from those with which I have previously been familiar.
Being a Faculty Library, OIL is closer to the sharp end of the teaching side of things, so it's actually far more dynamic than the Bod, which is rather ivory-towery. The atmosphere is more informal, and although there are all sorts of new things to learn I am finding it a rewarding experience being somewhere different.
When one is in a rut, it's hard to realise. The walls become familiar and the path easy to follow. My rut came to a natural end thanks to the refurbishment, and as a result I find myself with new horizons (albeit ones blocked by the silly round library next door!). The next big thing will be the office moves in November, but before that there will be the actual start of Term, which promises to make things even more interesting!

Oh, and in case anyone wondered, it was Merton in the photo, taken on a very foggy morning from Christchurch Meadow.

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