I think Picnik might actually be the "thing" which convinces me to use Flickr! It's a lovely site (I liked the bit on the progress bar where it said it was buttering sandwiches), and the basic editing tools are really easy to use.
Problems which I incurred were mostly due to the nature of my pictures; being taken indoors and in most cases with a flash, so things like exposure were slightly tricky. The tool which alters colours was very strange and did not get on at all with the bright colours I used in my patterns so I undid that sharpish! Above is a cropped version of my first cushions picture, which conveniently hides the fact that they are languishing on my fur bedspread.
The beauty of Firefox is that it already knows me, so I did not need to log into Picnik or create an account, which saved time and remembering where I put the printout with my login details. All in all a positive experience!
I think you may have converted me to cross stitch let alone Flikr/Piknik!