Tuesday, 18 January 2011

Same Stuff, Different Year

Ahh, the Great British New Year...
A time when the media bombards us with the doom and gloom of "most depressing day of the year" etc., when people go on diets they can't stick to, take up exercise they don't want to do and generally feel bad about themselves because they aren't changing.
This only happens because we all feed into it, making resolutions which are unrealistic and then berating ourselves when we don't stick to them. Personally, last year I resolved to get up earlier, and I still get up at 0630. This year-- she says, going on record-- I resolve to try to save more each month, because now that I am no longer paying for my Masters I can afford to.
In all honesty, I am thoroughly glad to see the back of 2010. For me, it was a generally not-so-good year; illness, drama, stress and general bother left me exhausted enough in December to finish the year with only half my face working as a result of Bell's Palsy, although I am pleased to report that I have both sides of my smile back now.
For others, though, 2010 was a positive one.
The Bodleian Libraries had an excellent year, with more donations towards the various projects, a successful implementation of the ingest of books into the new facility at Swindon and generally positive movement in the direction of the plans for 2014. I find myself feeling positive about all this in my own small way; it is a very exciting time for us as an organisation.
The move to our new offices at Osney Mead has been a step in that direction too, for all the teething problems which we have had (not least the heating conking out at Christmas which left us freezing). I will post further on this at a later date (honest!), but for now let it be said that, despite all the doom and gloom, 2011 cannot *possibly* be as hectic as 2010 was. :)